Yvette Hopkins
Yvette Hopkins has extensive and significant experience leading large, complex, multi-faceted organizations in volatile high stakes environments, most recently in the Global “Space Race”
Yvette served for nearly 30 years in the US Military as a commissioned officer focused primarily on leadership and innovation. She is a combat-proven warrior, and an intelligence, counterintelligence, and counterterrorism expert. She is also a credentialed national security strategist and cyber operator. She completed her military career at the rank of Colonel with her last assignments as the US Senior Intelligence Officer of Special Operations Command- Africa, and as a Brigade commander responsible for over 1600 Soldiers and their families.
Throughout her career, Yvette broke many gender and race barriers and strives to share those experiences through example, mentorship, and sponsorship. The mettle & character forged from those experiences has only deepened her lifelong pursuit of leadership excellence, and global equality.
Yvette is also a global keynote public speaker on the topics of Leadership, Science, Space, Innovation, Intelligence, Inclusion, and the Shetland islands. Also, with a focus on Governance, Strategy, Space, and Leadership, Yvette serves on five boards across the Space, Social Justice, Education, and Charity sectors in roles as: Executive Board Leader, Trustee, and Board Advisor. The current five organizations of which she sits on the Board, are women led.
Yvette earned her bachelor’s degree in political science, a Master of Science degree in Strategy from the School of Advanced Military Studies, and another master’s degree in National Security Strategy from the US National War College. She has also earned the US Army parachutist, Air assault, and Combat Action badges, and has been awarded numerous military awards to include the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, and Bronze Star Medal.
Yvette is currently transitioning from SaxaVord Spaceport (responsible for establishing the first UK spaceport and pathfinder launch), after serving for four years as Executive Vice President, and Director, Innovation & Partnerships.
Yvette leads a not-so-quiet life in the Shetland Islands (Scotland, UK) with her ancient Great Dane, Malakai. She is passionate about geopolitics (for good!), deeply curious about global cultures (to learn & connect!) and wildly frustrated with disparity, inequality, and unfairness (argh!). Yvette fantasizes about life beyond earth, questions if she is “doing enough”, and can throw a mean dinner party.
Yvette is currently in pursuit of her next adventure!.