Global Business School network

In collaboration with the University of Connecticut Global Business Programs and Global Business School Network (GBSN), Women Emerging ran an online expedition for global business schools across the world. The 20 explorers represented seven institutions from North America, South America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Diverse in terms of generation, specialism and background, over the 7 month expedition they reframed their own approach to leading. 

Julia Middleton, the Founder of Women Emerging and Katie McEvoy, the Chief Operations Officer at Women Emerging co-led the expedition. Fjona Mema was the Community Manager. 

During the expedition, explorers from across the world of business learnt from one another and were introduced to Guides from across the world; women who are thoughtful about leading, generous with their knowledge, and believe in Women Emerging.  

Each of the explorers who completed the 7 month expedition emerged with a more defined sense of how they want to lead and the skills and tools, unique to them, which will enable them to thrive as they do. They have now become WE Fellows. Women Emerging will now continue to support the explorers in their leading via the wider community and the WE Hub, when it launches in April 2025.  

In partnership

The Global Business School Network is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization based in Washington DC working to strengthen management education for emerging markets through a unique global network of business schools.