Dr Fatima Zibouh
Dr Fatima Zibouh has Phd in Political and Social Sciences. She is graduated from the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) with a Master in Political Science and has an advanced Master in Human Rights.
Currently, she is manager for Actiris, in a service dedicated for inclusion in the labour market.
Since March 2007, she has been a researcher for the Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies at University of Liege. Her current research interests lie in the political participation of ethnic minorites, the integration Policy and ethnocultural diversity in a post-migratory context. She has written several publications and has also delivered lectures in several European countries and internationally.
Fatima is also a social entrepreneur in Brussels. Among her awards, she received the Diwan Award for Personality of the Year in 2014. In 2019, she co-founded W100, a community of diverse women from all corners of Brussels who wish to connect and amplify the voices and actions of women in the city. Since 2021, she is part of 40 under 40, a network of 40 young leaders from Belgium.