Disability or Chronic condition expedition

Nearly 1 in 5 women have disabilities or chronic conditions and often face multiple forms of discrimination. This can present significant challenges for their leadership and their lives. This expedition is exploring what needs to be done to include women with disabilities or chronic conditions in leading settings by finding an approach to leading drawn from their specific experiences. 

Not only is this expedition supporting explorers in their own leading, but it is also connecting them as a group. The approach to leading generated from this expedition will be shared with women across the world who are leading with a disability or chronic condition. 

Katrina Webb, paralympic gold medalist, and explorer on the first expedition, is the Expedition Leader. 

"The expedition has truly created a transformative space for us to explore leading with our whole selves. It's been empowering to bring all parts of us - our strengths, our vulnerabilities, and our experiences - into the conversation. For many of us, this is the first time we've had a chance to discuss how our disabilities and chronic conditions shape us as leaders. These conversations have been eye-opening, and we are excited to synthesize our shared insights and pay it forward. Our hope is that women with disabilities or chronic conditions will realize that the world needs them to lead, or maybe they already are and just haven’t fully embraced it yet!" - Katrina Webb.