Moving outwards: How to express your Elements and Essence in leading 

Women Emerging is a non-profit movement that helps women rediscover what it means to lead, from their own unique perspective through what we call ‘an expedition.’ In the expedition, we guide explorers through the Women Emerging framework and methodology which is centered around the 4E’s; Essence, Elements, Expression and Energy. Each of these E’s plays a vital role in understanding and discovering leading. 

In our previous blogs, we explored Essence - the core of who you are and how you lead - and Elements, which reflect how your Essence shows up in different aspects of your leadership. Now, it's time to move outward to the third circle in the Women Emerging framework: Expression

Expression is where the inward journey of understanding your Essence and Elements becomes tangible, practical, and visible. It’s about how you show up in the world, how you lead in real situations, and how you bring your authentic self into everyday actions. 

This shift from inward reflection to outward expression is not easy. It requires courage to be yourself while managing the complexities of leadership. One of the most powerful ways to explore your Expression is to observe and learn from other women who embody their own Essence in how they lead. 

How Expression comes to light 

How does Expression come to life, and what role do the first two E’s - Essence and Elements - play in this process? To recap, Essence refers to our core being, while Elements are how different aspects of our Essence manifest in various situations. Let’s focus on one particular piece of Essence: "Motherness." Coined during the first expedition, this term was carefully chosen to convey a concept beyond simply giving birth. Motherness, as the explorers defined it, isn’t limited to nurturing; it also includes qualities like innovation and resilience, to name a few. 

If your Essence includes motherness, it can show up in various Elements, such as kindness. But how is this kindness expressed in real-life situations, like during meetings when you’re pressed for time or need to quickly move on to the next topic? How do you maintain that kindness under pressure? For instance, kindness could play out by politely cutting someone off in a rushed meeting. Instead of abruptly interrupting, you might say, “That is very helpful,” before they continue speaking. This way, you gently signal a transition without losing the essence of kindness. 

That’s what Expression is about - understanding how your Essence, embodied through specific Elements, plays out in practical, everyday leadership situations. 

Conversations with Leaders: Real Examples of Expression 

The Women Emerging podcast hosts amazing women who have done a lot of work in their lifetime, and really generously share their leadership insights on the podcast. In our expeditions, we call on guides to share these insights with us at various points in the journey. These discussions help define how you lead practically and serve as excellent examples of how to navigate the outer circle of Expression

Here are some examples of Expression from our latest podcast episodes: 

  1. Leading Teams 
    Maria Eugenia Estenssoro leads her teams with sacredness as part of her Essence. This plays out through a daily practice of meditation. “We would gather in the office, meditate together, and set aside hierarchies,” she says. These sessions, held in a quiet Congress building room, allowed her team to connect on a more humane and peaceful level before diving into the week’s pressing topics. 

  2. Leading in Chaos 
    Elsa, who led an international school through trauma and chaos, emphasizes that her Expression in such moments is rooted in maintaining calm and open communication. She believes that while tactical steps - like ensuring safety and organizing immediate responses - are essential, her true expression comes from balancing these actions with empathy and care for the mental health and well-being of both individuals and the wider community. This combination of practical and human-centered leadership is vital in navigating chaotic situations. 

  3. Leading in Low Motivation 
    In Episode 99, Julia Prescot discusses motivating teams by being present. "You have to be with people while they do the job you asked of them, understanding their challenges and showing you care." She also stresses the importance of accountability, ensuring leaders are responsible for small, manageable teams. 

You can build your own list of Expressions in the same way, by interviewing or speaking with different leaders in different spaces, sectors and fields.  

How to Build Your Own Expression Circle 

You can start working on your own Expression once you have worked through the first 2 Es. It’s just a matter of talking to women who exemplify leadership that resonates with you. Look to the women you admire - those who chair meetings, navigate tough conversations, lead teams, and manage upheavals. How do they maintain their authenticity while dealing with challenges? Start by talking to them and asking the “feet on the ground” questions: how, when, what, where, why? 

Reflect on these conversations and tips as you continue to express your leadership in real-world situations. What you must always remember: it’s okay to borrow from others and tweak techniques until they feel right for you. The goal is to build a toolkit that helps you navigate the complexities of leadership with authenticity and confidence. 

The purpose here is to gather practical insights that resonate with your own Essence and can help shape your leadership. Taking an example from the book If that’s leading, I’m in by Julia Middleton, she says she often found herself struggling to keep meetings on track without shutting people down too abruptly. Her Essence included kindness, which sometimes made it hard to interject without seeming dismissive. A technique she observed and adopted is simply saying, “That’s very helpful,” right before someone was about to continue. She found that it worked without crushing their contribution and helped her stay aligned with her authentic self. 

These are the granular, practical tips that build up your Expression - the ways you lead, interact, and communicate effectively, all while staying true to your core Essence. 


Leading and Delegating: A Symbiotic Relationship 


Elements – Discovering your second E