How Do Leaders Build High-Performing Teams?

Lessons from our guests on the Women Emerging podcast 

Building a high-performing team is both an art and a science. It requires vision, strategy, and the ability to inspire individuals to come together as a unit. Leaders across diverse fields - from sports to arts to the corporate world - have long grappled with this challenge and provided valuable insights into what it takes to create teams that excel. By drawing on their experiences and perspectives on the Women Emerging podcast, we understand key principles that drive team success. 

1. Leading through connection 

“You can’t lead if you’re not connected with people, right?” says Nandita Das, actress and film director, (Episode 112). According to Nandita, one of the most effective ways to rally people around a common cause is for them to see that you genuinely believe in the journey and that they, too, are an essential part of it. 

“People need to believe in what you’re doing,” she explains. You must inspire trust, align around shared values, and clearly communicate where you stand. 

Here are two insights from the episode: 

  1. The Role of a Film Director:  
    A movie or film director's job is similar to that of a conductor, bringing together various creative elements - acting, cinematography, sound, and music - under one vision. While collaborators excel in their specific domains, the director ensures that the collective effort aligns with their vision. 

  2. Leading and Uncertainty:
    Directing in this way,  much like leading, involves managing many factors beyond your control. This unpredictability mirrors life itself, where even those in positions of authority rely on collaboration and external variables. 

2. Make the team hum 

Teams exist in every sector and space, but some of the best lessons on teamwork come from sports. Take Kelly McCallum, for example, who is a rugby coach and is an educator. Kelly, who was a guest on the podcast in Episode 88, works with rugby teams that are incredibly diverse - in culture, backgrounds, and personalities. 

Her approach focuses on building a strong team culture without losing sight of each member’s unique strengths. “I make sure I nominate the uniqueness in each of them, their strengths” shares Kelly. Some insights from her episode below:  

  1. Optimal State of Leadership as Flow 

    Leadership, much like sports, has an "optimal state" often described as a dreamlike flow where the individual and collective seamlessly align. This state is characterised by a profound sense of focus, energy, and presence where external distractions fade away, and the leader feels immersed in the moment.

  2. Balancing Individual and Collective in Teams 

    Effective leadership involves allowing disruptive, unique individuals within a team to shine while maintaining the collective's strength.. Balancing these forces prevents predictability and fosters innovation, enabling teams to operate at their best and achieve extraordinary outcomes.

  3. Leadership as Personal and Authentic 

Leadership isn't about conforming to traditional roles or styles; it's about finding an approach that resonates personally and authentically.  

3. Co-creating common ground 

Rebecca Cooks, co-founder of Metis and (Episode number 105), emphasises the importance of creating common ground to foster belonging in a team. “I think having that common ground, a shared mission vision, I think is huge” she says. 

Here are the top takeaways from her episode: 

  1. The Importance of Belonging 
    Rebecca highlights "belonging" as a central theme in leading. Her words reflect on how creating a sense of belonging can be essential for fostering trust and connection in teams and communities. 

  2. Creating Courageous and Vulnerable Spaces
    Rebecca says her skill in designing spaces that are both courageous and vulnerable, allowing people to express themselves authentically while embracing challenges. This balance is vital for effective collaboration and personal growth. 

  3. Bringing Ideas to Life
    Rebecca expresses her passion for transforming ideas into reality, showcasing her strength in program design, learning experiences, and curriculum development. Her approach combines creativity with structure, demonstrating the importance of execution in leadership roles. 

4. Reignite the Energy 

Julia Cleverdon is a British charity worker who served for 16 years as Chief Executive of Business in the Community, one of the Prince's Charities of Charles, Prince of Wales. In episode 96, highlights the leader’s role in ensuring the energy levels in a team don’t hit the floor. It’s about finding and communicating enthusiasm for a new direction, a shared goal, or an upcoming challenge. “You've got to find enough authentic energy, which says, come on, this is our chance” says Julia. Here are the top learnings from her episode:  

  1. Enthusiasm and Reminders in Leadership 
    Leaders must convey tasks with genuine enthusiasm, described as "knowledge on fire," and consistently remind their teams of the goals. This repetitive reinforcement ensures alignment and sustains motivation. 

  2. The Role of Apology and Humility 
    Effective leaders must possess the humility to acknowledge mistakes, apologise, and reverse poor decisions. This openness demonstrates accountability and reinforces trust, proving leadership should be thought of as service to others rather than a display of infallibility. 

  3. The Core Simplicity of Leadership 
    While leadership can feel complex, its essence is simple: defining a clear purpose, building a  united and supportive team, and nurturing individuals to grow personally and contribute effectively. Leaders must focus on these fundamentals while adapting to an evolving world. 

 The challenges of building high-performing teams may differ across sectors but the underlying principles remain the same. Leaders who lead with purpose, empower individuals, build trust, and embrace resilience create environments where teams don’t just succeed - they thrive. 

At Women Emerging, we believe in reframing what it means to lead. Through expeditions, both group and individual, we challenge status quo leadership and create space for women to explore, learn, and grow. Learn more about expeditions here.


Mid-Series Roundup: Navigating Hostile Environments 


Series Wrap Up: Women LEading Together